An increasing allure to Mexican-American art, cuisine, and spaces has cultivated countless channels of digital content that range from influencers, social media instant online gratification posts, to large corporations masking as more modest enterprises. Presently, some ensuing generations have begun shifting towards introducing others who do not match the term's definition. These unforeseen changes have made it more difficult than ever before to understand what is a "Chicano."
The first use of the term Chicano was by Arizonan Mexican-American writer, Mario Suarez, to describe the Mexican-American inhabitants of a Tucson barrio for a sketch titled, "El Hoyo," for the Arizona Quarterly in 1947. The term Chicanos was originally used as a derogatory label for the sons and daughters of Mexican migrants.
In the spring of 2017, I began recording overlooked shifts that are still unfolding inside the Chicano society. It is of the utmost importance for I, a first-generation Mexican-American, to bring these occurrences to light by revealing the significant and collective position my people hold that continues shaping American culture.